Browsing Archive: July, 2012

Union flag corsets!

Posted by Rosy on Monday, July 9, 2012, In : Fashions 
Firstly, I refer to the design as Union flag as it is only Union Jack on a ship, apparently. And as I have one tattooed on my bottom, I refuse to have my bottom described as any kind of sailing vessel!

As most of you reading this will know, What Katie Did released a limited edition union flag corset recently. It's gorgeous, as you can see in the picture below, modelled by the lovely Miss Miranda (whom I saw at a cabaret evening recently, blog to follow)

However. Most cannot afford to spend £25...
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New blogger!

Posted by Rosy on Friday, July 6, 2012,
Hello! This is my first proper blog (my teenage Myspace does not count) so please bare with me while I figure out what everything does.
 I've been meaning to get a blog for a while because some things you just can't fit into 140 characters (Hello to all my Twitter followers!). So there are a few things on my mind that I'd like to share... Nothing heavy don't worry! And I will share my adventures as they happen...
Goodnight darlings <3
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